A mid-level checking account for a business that includes 350 free items per month and the ability to add Treasury Management Services.*
Monthly Service
Fee $15
Waived with a minimum balance of $20,000*
Minimum Opening
Deposit $25

Other Account Features
Item Charges — First 350 items are free, then $0.50 per item over the minimum. Debit card transactions do not count as items.
Mobile Deposit — Deposit remotely from a mobile device.
Domestic Wires — Two (2) free incoming domestic wires a month.
Business Overdraft Line of Credit* — Automatically advance funds to pay items if your business account has insufficient funds.
Treasury Management Services Available* — eDeposit, Positive Pay, ACH Origination, and Online/Mobile Wires packages and services are available.
Additional Benefits — Detailed Analysis Statements* are also available.
To open an account, visit one of our locations.
Other Account Features
Item Charges — First 350 items are free, then $0.50 per item over the minimum. Debit card transactions do not count as items.
Mobile Deposit — Deposit remotely from a mobile device.
Domestic Wires — Two (2) free incoming domestic wires a month.
Business Overdraft Line of Credit* — Automatically advance funds to pay items if your business account has insufficient funds.
Treasury Management Services Available* — eDeposit, Positive Pay, ACH Origination, and Online/Mobile Wires packages and services are available.
Additional Benefits — Detailed Analysis Statements* are also available.
To open an account, visit one of our locations.
Changes to federal regulations now require banks to collect additional information regarding business owners and managers each time a new account is opened. The next time you need a new account, please call ahead so that we can help you prepare the necessary information to fully assist you. For some Frequently Asked Questions about Beneficial Ownership, please click here.
*Business Plus Account: Check imaging for all business accounts is optional, with a $5 monthly fee for the front of checks and $2 monthly fee for the back of checks. See the Business Miscellaneous Fee Schedule for additional details. Debit Card: No annual fee. If you change your design two or more times during the year, a $10.00 replacement fee per card will apply. Online Banking: Internet access required. Internet charges may apply, depending on your Internet provider’s plan. eStatements: eStatements are provided at no charge, paper statements will be assessed an additional monthly fee of $5. Mobile Banking: Requires Business Online Banking enrollment. Wireless carrier charges may apply, depending on your wireless/Internet carrier’s plan. Business Overdraft Line of Credit: Loans subject to credit approval and underwriting. Other terms and conditions may apply. Treasury Management: Treasury Management packages and services are available. Please ask your banker for more information and pricing. Analysis Statements: eStatements only.